Friday, June 1, 2012


Why do people like costumes? Cosplay is huge here in Tokyo. But if you are shy, you can go and eat Korean BBQ dressed like Queen Anne even if you are a man, or walk around in Harajuku as a banana and nobody would think you’ve gone bananas.

My imagination of that sort is pretty limited. I wore my Chinese dress to the only two costume parties I’ve ever been to and each time encountered about 2 dozen other girls also in Chinese dresses.

Of course I have some other kinky stuff at home like nurse/maid/waitress/schoolgirl costumes – but strictly for my bedroom mirror, mind you. I’ll never wear any of them out to a party since I don’t really want some middle-aged Japanese man to come up to me and ask how much.

One costume though is often associated with me in many of my friends’ fantasy – Catwoman. I suppose it’s because I already look like one minus the whip even without the outfit. You see, most of my clothes are black and my eyes are a bit cat-like. I often feel that I resemble a ninja anyway.

Costume parties are great fun because we don’t have to be our usual boring selves anymore. We are set free to play different characters and we can all go absolutely wild, as long as we remember to keep our faces well under the masks.

But hey, come to think of it, who needs costume parties here? Everyday is Halloween in Tokyo!

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